Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Barbed Wire Heart

When I was young,
I wrapped my heart in barbed wire
and nailed the door shut
before walking away.

Years passed.

The nails became rusty.
Some fell out on their own.
Others were melted by love.

Now, I think I might be ready.
To risk exposing my heart.
To open the door.

But when I pulled back the heavy barrier,
I found that,
as I’d grown older,
my heart had accepted the wire protection as natural
and grew around the points and barbs.

In an instant,
I recognized the truth.
I know longer knew how to let people close
without hurting them.
Because, while my mind said “it’s okay,”
my heart was still beating

to the thrum of fear.

-Cynic Ninja

Monday, April 28, 2014


It's not the falling that kills you,
but the sudden stop at the end.

-Michael Xavier

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hidden Secrets

We were together for two hours.
I talked for twenty seven of those minutes.
Ninety three minutes of silence, you listened.

The whole time,
I was hoping you’d be able to look in my eyes
and read what I could never say aloud.

The whole time,
I was hoping the pain in my heart
would be visible only to  you.

Did you read the lines of pain?
Were you able to decipher the fine print
and discover my haunting secrets?

We were together for two hours.
You listened to my silence
and heard my unspoken pain.

-Cynic Ninja

Thursday, April 24, 2014


It's 2:01 and I'm as awake as if it were noon.
An hour later,
sleep is overrated, right?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Crazy Life

Tired crazy.
Exhaust crazy.

back pain,
long lists,
too much to do crazy.


Refreshed crazy.
Energy crazy.

Repeat like crazy.

-Cynic Ninja

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Second Thoughts?

I know you say you don’t think less
and really, I want to believe you.
But there’s all these voices banging around inside my head
telling me that can’t be true.

How could you see with new eyes
what I was and not turn away?
How could you say love
once you saw the brokenness
you were loving?

You made a mistake.
It’s okay, I forgive you.
You couldn't have known the
mess you were stepping into.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Constant Corrections

Anger bubbling, hot and thick
like caramel sauce on a stove top.

Teeth clenched tight.
Legs radiating waves of tension.

Did you hear a question in any of my words?
Did you think I asked for your help?

Stay out of my business, Sir.
I wasn't talking to you.

Damn fool, always trying to fix me.
Focus on someone else.

Go look in the mirror.
There's plenty of fixing that can happen there.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our Yesteryears

The time has come to say goodbye.

Au revoir black tropical.
Adiรณs college memories.
Mooi loop Alberta and west adventure dreams.
M’a ssalama to fancied up memories from the past.

You all had a place.
You all had a reason.
You all are no more.

Stay in history,
visit occasionally,
but know,
your time is past.
Don’t haunt me.


-Cynic Ninja


Little yellow flags blow and flap
in a straight line
along the road.

For a split second,
I think it’s a family of nine ducks

out for a dangerous midnight walk. 

-Cynic Ninja

Monday, April 14, 2014


Don't talk to me again unless your words are more than

just sound waves leaving your mouth.

-Cynic Ninja

The Physical Mad

I’m angry. I need to be broken. I want, desperately, to be broken. 
I want to be run and pushed and forced
past the absolute point of exhaustion that I break.
That I fall on the ground in a wet, sweaty, sobbing heap.
I need to get the feelings out and the only way that’ll happen,
I’m afraid,
is if I’m broken.

Like a stubborn horse before joining up.

I want to beat something, or someone, up.
I want to physically wrestle someone
where I don’t need to worry about hurting them.
And they don’t need to be afraid of hurting me because it’s as necessary as breathing.
It’s part of the process.

Any volunteers?

I have so much anger inside of me.
So much mad and hurt.
I don’t know what to do with it.
I’m not sure where to hide it all.
The archives and back rooms of my heart are getting full.

It’s spring.
Maybe spring cleaning time?

Should I just set all my Mad out on the curb and tack a free sign to it?

-Cynic Ninja


April 13, 2014; 10:58pm

I sit down here to write 
suddenly have nothing at all to say. 

-Cynic Ninja

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blind Trust

How did I forget that not everyone’s yes
means the same as my yes?
How was I so easily fooled into believing someone
meant what was actually said?
How did I let my guard drop
and start hoping and trusting?

What a fool, little one.

What a blind fool.

-Cynic Ninja

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On Dreams

If a job, hobby or love starts getting in the way or clouding your direction in life, stop. Take a deep breath. Reevaluate. If something starts making you question your calling, your Big Dream, no matter how good or right or possible it sounds, cut it back. Prune. Step back before you lose all sound judgment and reasoning. Ask people you trust. Talk to people who know and have seen what your Big Dream does to your heart and soul. Don’t lose focus. People will talk. Ignore it. Their Big Dream isn't yours. Yours isn't theirs. 
And that, my Dear, is a good thing. 

-Cynic Ninja

Monday, April 7, 2014


I'm much too young to be feeling
all at once.

-Cynic Ninja


Listen more.
Speak less.

The wind has something to say.
If you're listening,
it just might change your life.

-Cynic Ninja

Friday, April 4, 2014

Beautiful Want

I saw something beautiful tonight.
I saw unadulterated love,
for the first time.

I saw a smile that was pure,
trusting, and honest.
I had to look away
for fear I might sully the beauty.

What I saw gave me hope
but left me with fear.
Hope that there is love left.
Fear that it’s not for me.

I know what to look for now.
I want someone who will look at me
with total unashamed honesty
emblazoned across the face.

I will look for someone who wants me
so badly they can’t keep
the want contained.
It bubbles out of them
unhindered and audacious.
Sweeping up all the hopes
and dreams and love of this world.

And depositing it all,
like fuel,

in my heart

-Cynic Ninja

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


My insides feel like broken pieces.
Like there's not enough laminin to keep
everything held together.
Little glass shards poking and pricking my heart and lungs.

One day, I'll end up with a collapsed lung;
maybe a hole in my heart,
and everyone will look around like idiots,
arguing with each other about who's to blame.

They won't understand
that it wasn't any one face.
It wasn't any one word.
Any one action.

It was an accumulation
of a lifetime of words.
An accumulation of actions.
One on top of the other,
breaking down the insides
and secret places of the heart.

I can't blame them.
They didn't realize the power
they held.
Didn't know their strength.
They didn't understand how much better
it is to show love instead hate.

Maybe now they'll realize.
Maybe now they'll save a life
instead of taking one.

-Cynic Ninja



-Cynic Ninja