Thursday, May 19, 2016

Second Rate

I’m starting to wonder if anyone will even show up for my wedding. My bachelorette party was canceled due to people having other obligations/more-important things to do. A wedding shower never happened. Moreover, my own family is complaining about and refusing to attend a small family party being held tomorrow. It makes me want to cry. 

I don’t know why I’m so surprised by all this, though. It’s not anyone's fault and I don’t blame anyone. It’s just that, things with me are never a big deal. I’m always second rate, third best, and most forgotten. That’s simply how my world has always worked. I thought this time it would be different. After all, you do only get married once. I’m not asking the world to revolve around me; in fact, I don’t even want it to. That’s way too much pressure. I just wish that I’d get the same special treatment and attention as everyone else. Weddings are supposed to be a happy and joy-filled time and instead, I’m just sad. Still trying to Choose Happy, but it’s becoming harder and harder. 

-Cynic Ninja