Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life Words

There are some things you simply don’t say to people. Well, a lot of thing, actually. Such as your breath stinks to high heaven’, I really don’t like you’, or `you have the most annoying sounding voice’. That is, if you’re a polite type of person. 

But, there are other words that you don’t say because you don’t want people to worry, be bothered, get upset. I spend my life not making waves. I learned how to pilot my boat so softly and gently that the water around me barely moved. I knew what not to say and what to avoid. I knew by intuition and careful listening and watching. I wonder if I’m still doing that. Keeping words inside, locked up tight. No. I don’t have to wonder because I know I am. I know there are thoughts I can’t let others know about; feelings I can’t share. I suppose I need to accept this because I don’t see it changing. That’s just the way life is when you protect your people.  
I refrain from uttering life-ending words so that others may continue their life. The irony runs high, oh so high.      

-Cynic Ninja