Friday, April 4, 2014

Beautiful Want

I saw something beautiful tonight.
I saw unadulterated love,
for the first time.

I saw a smile that was pure,
trusting, and honest.
I had to look away
for fear I might sully the beauty.

What I saw gave me hope
but left me with fear.
Hope that there is love left.
Fear that it’s not for me.

I know what to look for now.
I want someone who will look at me
with total unashamed honesty
emblazoned across the face.

I will look for someone who wants me
so badly they can’t keep
the want contained.
It bubbles out of them
unhindered and audacious.
Sweeping up all the hopes
and dreams and love of this world.

And depositing it all,
like fuel,

in my heart

-Cynic Ninja