Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Choosing Happy

Psalm 94:18-19
When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

I was doing some much needed cleaning in my room yesterday and came across a necklace I had made many months back. It’s a simple chain with a charm that reads Choose Happy. Choose Happy. Choose Happy. Choose Happy? What? Is that possible? Life doesn’t work that way, does it? Sounds nice in theory but in practice? If only it were that simple. I grabbed onto this as my current motto; slogan; watchword. I wear it around my neck and have it tattooed on my wrist. Choose Happy. In all the chaos and current stressors of life, I need the reminder that Happy can be a choice. Thankful can be a choice. And it can be a choice that I choose. Daily. It might not always look like I’m making that choice, and truthfully, you’re right, I’m probably not. But, I can try…and keep trying until I am purposefully and decisively Choosing Happy each day, every hour and minute. I Choose Happy.  

-Cynic Ninja